Teddy Geiger: "Underage Thinking"
Hi, I'm Alan Ho, the founder and chief head of Musiqtone and no I'm not writing the Teddy Geiger album review...but I am giving all you Teddy Geiger fans a chance to tell Teddy himself what you think of his debut album, 'Underage Thinking,' now out on the store shelf of whereever you buy your CDs! That's right, you have a shot at getting your feedback sent back to the very person who crafted one of this year's most anticipated debuts! Here's what you have to do:
1. Fill out the online form provided below or even better yet if you have a microphone or tape recorder and give out your feedback (or unrequited love) for Teddy's album! For voice recordings, please provide your full name, where you are from, and your age before dishing out your two cents and please keep it brief...same goes for those electing to use the form provided below. If you are recording, please send the clip to myspace_musiqtone@musiqtone.com!
2. I assume we will get many (we all hope), so the top 20 responses (because of limitations, only the top 5 voice responses will be taken) will get sent to Teddy's marketing and promotions people for them and Teddy himself to read (and hear)! New York marketing and PR firm Electric Artists will be the one to receive the package containing the responses!
3. Please, no requests for dating him, wanting to have his children and one-line messages such as "I love your album," that kind of stuff will not be accepted. Be creative (or objective) with your responses.
4. Finally...have fun!
5. We actually don't know when we'll end, but we'll put the final date in big, bold, red letters when it happens! And...the top 20 will be notified personally by myself so please, PLEASE put your e-mail address where I can reach you if your response is among the top 20...oh and also please ONE RESPONSE per person!
6. The final prize? Out of the Top 20, the top 8 entries will earn a spot on our Myspace Top 8! That is, if you have a Myspace...which we assume you probably do! If you don't, that won't keep you from the Top 20!!!
7. There is one more final thing: You can't participate if you didn't get his CD...or listen to the streaming copy that will come off on March 25...or download it LEGALLY!
8. The top 20 will be notified and those who came in early and did not put your Myspace URL down, we'll ask for it too!
Please fill out all fields.
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