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Saturday, February 22nd
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Ashley Parker Angel
Ashley Parker Angel: "Soundtrack to Your Life"

Garage Band meets Acoustic Pop in long-awaited solo release
CDOn May 16th, Ashley Parker Angel proved to the world that he was not just another casualty of the boy band craze.  One listen to his debut album, Soundtrack to Your Life (Blackground/Universal), and it’s clear that Angel has his own agenda, free from the cookie cutter days of his past.  He has created a sound for himself that is rocker meets crooner, and is sure to pull in the new and old fans alike.

The first single, and first track on the album,”Let U Go” is a real departure for the 24-year-old singer/songwriter; at least it’s a departure from what many fans were expecting from him.  A hard rock edge and the thought of that one bittersweet person you have to break free from.

“Beat up, broken, back for more.  I’ll be dragging my own ass off the floor.”

Lines like that make the albums title track the perfect soundtrack to anyone’s life.  “Soundtrack to Your Life” hits all the right notes; it’s catchy, infectious, musically interesting, and incredibly relatable.    For fans of Angel’s MTV reality shows, There and Back, the songs brings back an episode where he wanted to write a song for his then unborn son.

The best, and by far the darkest, track on the album, at least from my point of view, is “Crazy Beautiful.”

“I knew you were trouble back then, But that’s what turned me on, Its all wrong.”

Piano driven, this track gets straight to the heart of wicked relationships, which might be a bit too thought provoking for some, but the best track still.

“Perfect Now” is angry-ex music meets bubblegum pop.  I can just picture Angel playing in his garage playing the part of the regretful ex-boyfriend.  A great sentiment and decent music make this one of the catchiest songs he offers.

The most heartfelt offering is the simply recorded “Apology”.  Recorded in one take on a piano with a one track vocal, he pours his apparently bruised heart out to the one he loves.  Want something to relate to?  This is the track to put on repeat.

Overall, the album is well written and well performed; with some absolutely stand-out tracks.  The constant intertwining of the rock and pop is able to please the teenagers, twenty-somethings, and even the parents.  If the album is any indication of what the live shows are going to be, I’m fairly confident that Angel with steal the spotlight on his upcoming summer tour with Ashlee Simpson.  I would rate Soundtrack to Your Life as one of the must have albums of the year.

Ashley Parker Angel :  “Soundtrack to Your Life”
Official website
Official Myspace
Label:  Universal Records
Rating:  4.25/5

Jeni-Lynn Green Jeni-Lynn Green is the chief head of communications at Musiqtone and would like to ask Zac Hanson to not marry that girl. OK, kidding. But you contact her at jenilynngreen@musiqtone.com

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