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Tuesday, March 25th
Interviews: O.A.R.
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An exclusive interview with Musiqtone
Danielle: How did you come up with the name 'The Villebillies'?
Tuck: Child used it in a verse one time. So when it came time to name the group that phrase fit us best... ville=louisville the city and billie represented the country... Villebillies.

Danielle: Were there always ten members?
Tuck: No. It used to be five vocalist over tracks.

Danielle: How did the idea of ten members come about/how did you all
get  together??
Tuck: Well I will try to sum it up for you. Pretty much everybody in the band their own thing going on. Me and my friend BJ had our rap thing going on and Demi was involved with a band called Plan of Man. Child and Dylan had their own thing in the works as well. From the get go, Plan of Man was doing most of the instrumental work so when we got tired of doing tracks, we went all live and have never looked back. There is just so much more emotion with the band, you feel the music more. It was very natural the way it all fell into place.

Danielle: Your music has been described as country and pop, and also hip hop and southern whiskey rock. How would you explain your genre of music for someone who has never heard it?
Tuck: "Villebillie." Its impossible to explain with words. We ignore genres. We are writers that just make music. What ever comes out of us that day could be anything. From rock to rap,country to blues, funk to bluegrass.

Danielle: Did you all grow up in Kentucky?
Tuck: 100% Kentucky born and bred

Danielle: Do you think that being from Kentucky had an influence on the type of music you play?
Tuck: Definitely. That's half the reason. I would say the other half is because when you put 10 people together that have different musical backgrounds and musical tastes you get us.

Danielle: What is your favorite track from your release, The Villebillies? And why?
Tuck: Grass Roots. Its just a great song.

Danielle: Who are your musical influences?
Tuck: Sublime, Beastie Boys, Bill Withers to name a few.

Danielle: What is the most interesting live performance you have played to date? And why?
Tuck: Some Place in Michigan something like ostega, MI I think. Because they lined danced to every song. It was trippy. Swear to god, every song. Even the straight rap ones.

Danielle: What do you hope to accomplish with your music and/or career?
Tuck: I just want to make a living and keep performing and making albums. If i'm able to do that I will die happy.

Danielle: How would you define the word "success" in the music world?
Tuck: Making a living and keep performing and making albums.

Danielle: At what moment will you consider your band/music a success?
Tuck: When our Fifth album comes out nationwide.

PART II: This or That

 - Pepsi or Coke?
coke and bourbon

- McDonald's or Burger King?
burger king ("bj eat that angus burger, bj eat that burger" - inside joke)

 - Vanilla or Chocolate?

 - Boxers or Briefs?

 - Blonde or Brunette?

- Hugs or Kisses?

- Myspace or Facebook?   :-)

- Shower or Bath?

 - Dog or Cat?

- TV or Movie?
movie-300 rules

- Talk on the phone or Text message?
im 50/50 on that one sorry

- CD or iPod?
ipod--cant live without it

- Rap or Country?

PART III:Last But Not Least

Danielle: If there was one piece of advise you could give to someone
wanting to pursue music, what would it be?
Tuck: If you truly believe in your music, anything can happen. Send those cds out, even when you know they have a 99.9%  of ended up in the trash. Make those calls do all the little things you don't want to do,just do it. If your drive is strong enough in this business then you can make it. And its just that, a business. Don't  ever forget that or stay independent and do it all your self.

Danielle: Anything else you'd like to add?
Tuck: nope.

Danielle: Thank you for taking your time to be in Musiqtone's hot seat! And good luck in the future.
Tuck: thank you.
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