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Monday, March 31st
Music Reviews: Albums
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Jonas Brothers
Jonas Brothers- Jonas Brothers

First release with Hollywood shines
Jonas BrothersIn one year, the Jonas Brothers have gone from a relatively unknown band signed to Columbia Records, to huge superstars signed to Hollywood Records. Their debut album, It’s About Time, debuted at 91 on the Billboard Charts. It’s safe to say they’re getting what they deserve, as they reached a number 5 debut with their sophomore, self-titled album.

The album kicks off with the newest single, “S.O.S.”, a song about a girl (of course) with an infectious beat and lyrics that really stick in your head (and only took 10 minutes to write according to Nick Jonas). Don’t ruin your dinner plans with a Jonas unless you want a song written about you and how you broke their heart.

Next is “Hold On”, a song that fans can’t help but sing along to. It’s an uplifting song, sticking to their Christian roots, with lyrics such as, “don’t give up on love, have faith, restart.” This song that never gets old and made their fans love them even more leads into the next song, “Goodnight and Goodbye”. The intro is enough to make this song a fan favorite, as it sounds like a scratchy vintage record that then blasts into the perfect break up song.

“There’s a whale in the pool with my mother”, a lyric from the next track, “That’s Just the Way We Roll”, may be the new “Year 3000”. The catchy beats and guitar solos make this one another favorite song that may inspire a little interpretive dancing in fans. “Hello Beautiful”, the next track, was first played on August 16th, 2006 at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ, but over a year later, fans still swoon over the romantic lyrics and acoustic guitar, and wish they would be the lucky one brought onstage at a show. With the orchestra added into this song, fans fall even more in love with the Jonas Brothers.

The Jonas Brothers are infamous for having songs that fans can relate to. The next one is just that; a song about a breakup when you’re not really over the other person. You’re, well, still in love with them. “Still In Love With You” might sound like it would be a ballad from the title, but it’s actually an upbeat, catchy tune that gets fans singing along every time. Every fan also wishes they could be one of the Jonas brothers’ dream girls. For those fans, “Australia” is the song of choice. A track that gets fans to say “aww” during the chorus, it’s another song easy to rock out to.

Next up is “Games”, a song that is definitely a play on words. Example: “I’m sorry for the trouble.” The whole song is catchy and infectious, and definitely another favorite. “When You Look Me In the Eyes” is up next, a re-recorded song, originally written for Nick’s solo album. With a few changes in lyrics, the song is still an intensely romantic ballad.

The next three songs are three of my personal favorites. “Inseparable” isn’t your typical love song, as it has intense guitar solos and it’s upbeat. Emotional lyrics are definitely in there though! “Just Friends” is another song any Jonas fan would want to have sung to them. A song about wanting to be more than just friends that kicks off with just two strums of the guitar. “Hollywood” is truly a “you got poned” song. It’s a song about switching record labels from Columbia to Hollywood. “Pack our bags, yeah we’ll run, Hollywood here we come,” says it all.

The next two songs are songs that the fans know well, “Year 3000” and “Kids of the Future”. Not much more needs to be said about those.

Overall, the CD is basically perfect, although it would have been nice to use two new tracks such as “Eternity” or “Move On” instead of “Year 3000” and “Kids of the Future”. The new CDVU+ format completes the album, with exclusive (and adorable) videos, pictures, and hidden links. With the videos, you can even learn how to play the chorus to “Move On”, and you can get to know the boys better. The Jonas Brothers have really stepped up their game with their sophomore album, Jonas Brothers, and I would highly recommend it to anyone. 

Name: "Jonas Brothers"
Label: Hollywood Records
Release Date: August 7, 2007
My rating: 4.9 out of 5

Meagan MessinaMeagan Messina is a staff writer with Musiqtone. You can contact her at meaganmessina@musiqtone.com.

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