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Monday, March 10th
Music Reviews: Albums
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Kate Nash
Kate Nash- Made of Bricks

Sassiness and language abounds in album debut

Kate NashKate Nash is an English singer songwriter who had a UK number 2 hit "Foundations" in 2007, followed by the platinum selling UK number 1 album ‘Made of Bricks.’ She is well known in America for her song Foundations, and for her accent that comes through in her music.

In her first track on the album, “Play,” we hear Kate sing about chilling and playing songs in her room. I like to play songs in my room. She plays the ultimate beat to just chill out to.

In the second track the song, “Foundations,” drags us in with the catchy beat and fun melody that calms the soul down. My fingertips are holding onto/ The cracks in our foundation/ And I know that I should let go, but I can't/ And every time we fight I know it's not right/ Every time that you're upset and I smile/ I know I should forget, but I can'. A song about holding onto a boyfriend that just won’t listen, and not wanting to hold onto him, even though you should let go of him.

In the third track, “Mouthwash,” tells us about being what you will. This is who I am going to be and I can’t change that, it tells about not changing. Just being who you want to. Definitely a song to listen to with your friends and sing the words to together.

Track number five has us listen to, “Birds,” a song telling a love story of a couple meeting up again after not seeing each other. A very simple played song. Not my kinds of music. I didn’t find it to be one of my favorites.

In track six, “We Get on,” is yet another love song. A girl crushing on a boy, a very cute and tuney song to dance to and sing in your room to. My favorite on the album by far.

Track nine brings us, “Pumpkin Soup,” is about a girl crushing on a boy, and explaining how she feels about him. I just want your kiss boy. The lyrics are a story she is telling.

In track number ten we hear, “Skeleton Song,” a song I disliked strongly, it dealt with eating disorders and things us teens face everyday, having a friend that is not like everyone else, and being confused on what to do about it. I found it to be a song she didn’t sing much of, she seemed to talk the lyrics.

In the last track the song, “Little Red,” is by far the most beautiful song on her album. I believe the most thought went into this song, her vocals are amazing in this song. The meaning is something the listeners would have to interpret the meaning of the lyrics.

All over I found this album to be and okay listening experience, she is creative with her lyrics and songwriting. I enjoyed listening to her songs, because they are different than most. I would give this album a 3.8 out of 5.

Name: "Made of Bricks"
Label: Geffen
Release Date: January 8, 2008
My rating: 3.8 out of 5

Rachel DodsonRachel Dodson is a staff writer at Musiqtone. You can contact her at racheldodson@musiqtone.com or fill out this feedback form below.

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