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Sunday, February 23rd
The Critics Corner: Albums
Waking Up
Mitchel Musso- Mitchel Musso
More than meets the eye in sparkling debut
Name: "Mitchel Musso"
Label: Hollywood
Release Date: June 2, 2009
My rating: 4.5 out of 5

Review written by: Alexandra Zawada
You've seen him on the Disney Channel series phenomenon, Hannah Montana, and brand new Disney Channel hit movie, Hatching Pete; but where did his debut CD come from? No one was expecting Mitchel Musso to put out a self-titled album, when everyone heard the news they couldn't help but be skeptical. No one knew what to expect, most people didn't even know that Mitchel could sing! Everyone wondered if this was just another actor using his power to make more money off of something they lacked talent in. Well ladies and gentlemen, you will definitely want to have a listen, because Mitchel will blow your mind with his debut CD.

Mitchel's hit single "Hey" starts off the album with a great dance song. Beginning with a simple beat by the keyboards and drums, it progresses by adding guitars. By the chorus, you are certain this song was made for the radio. The catchy lyrics and pop-flavored sound is simple enough to pick up on after the first time it is played, no wonder it is the single. Already on the second song, "Speed Dial", you get a glimpse of a different side of Mitchel's voice and character. The pace is slowed down with the vocals, but the keyboard has a continuous fast-paced beat which later the guitars and bass pick up on. In this song, Mitchel is torn up with a girl and needs to let her go, but with her number on speed dial it is hard to resist the temptation of calling her. In order to let her go, he has to take her off speed dial to get rid of the temptation. In the song you hear the sound of buttons being pushed on a phone which adds effect and builds support for the meaning of the song.

"Us Against the World" has rock and dance and electro and hip-hop all in one, it bounces the sound back to like it was in "Hey". This upbeat, catchy song features Katelyn Tarver and lets her voice shine. There are two strong voices, which in other cases the would end up clashing, but in this song Katelyn's and Mitchel's vocals compliment each other. This song portrays a story just like Romeo and Juliet, no one wants them to be together but they will prove the world wrong. At last you could see a glimpse of rock in Mitchel's album through "Do It Up". This song portrays a completely different sound then the first three. It begins with a a quick glimpse of guitar then switches over to bass and Mitchel's voice hits a record low and slowly speeds up and the volume rises. Touching upon the rock sound, a guitar solo is thrown in before the chorus is repeated.

The only song so far where Mitchel's vocals are more relaxed in the chorus is "Shout It". In this song, brother Mason Musso, from the well-known band Metro Station, accompanies him on the background vocals. With the sound of the guitars and drums, this song touches upon a equilibrium of a rock and dance sound. One of my favorites on this record is "Welcome to Hollywood", which Mitchel's close friend and co-star in Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus, would agree with because this song is also her favorite. As soon as the song started playing I matched it with a more Tokio Hotel sounding song. Mitchel's voice might be low and mellow, but it comes off strong. Accompanied by the guitar and drums, Mitchel's voice becomes aggressive and makes you want to take a closer listen to the words he sings. The last lines in the song are sung loud, fast, and aggressively as though he wants to prove the point of "Hollywood".

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