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Sunday, March 9th
Music Reviews: Concerts
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Silverstein & TDWP rocks out Seattle

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The Devil Wears Prada/Silverstein

Silverstein & TDWP rocks out Seattle

Waiting in the rainy cold weather within downtown Seattle outside The Showbox where Silverstein is to be performing tonight. Tonight's turn out of fans seems to make the show promising as it curves around the corner of Pike Street, it almost seems just as promising as the set acts on the night's agenda (The Venue being in the middle of the block).

Fans began trickling into the venue fifteen past seven. As an unfamiliar band takes the stage they take time to announce their name as Ermosa, a fellow Canadian band who would be taking place of Protest The Hero for the night. Ermosa opens with an unnamed song. As they head farther into their set the crowd barely begins to move, not being impressed with the singer's raw voice. It was not until he had the crowd name one of their new songs, which Seattle had, came up with "Sarah" or "Titties". In the end it was "Titties", it was screamed loudest. By now the crowd was beginning to accept Ermosa for their guitar riffs and sexual humor. Emrosa ended their set with their song "Casablanca."

With the crowd buzzing in anticipation of A Day To Remember. Leaping on stage the band goes straight into "Fast Forward To 2012". The crowd went completely bonkers as ADTR when they announced they'd be playing their cover of "Since You've Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson. Throughout the set the crowd got  rowdier and rowdier with each comment from the band, keeping everyone on their toes. A Day To Remember's set consisted of "Fast Forward To 2012", "A Shot In The Dark", "Since You've Been Gone", "Monument", "The Danger In Starting a Fire", "Heartless", and ending their time on stage with "The Plot To Bomb The Panhandle." All these songs except for "Heartless" can be found on their re-released record titled "For Those Who Have Heart.”

Since the crowd already warmed up, the next band to approach the limelight was none other than The Devil Wears Prada. The kids went nuts, starting a massive circle and mosh pit on the floor when TDWP began their set with "Hey John, What's Your Name Again." After about three songs Jeremy Deposyter began interacting with the crowd to tell them about the non-profit Skate For Cancer Fund was traveling with the tour and told them to check it out and by a t-shirt. Among the thrashing energetic performance from TDWP the crowd was responding with just as much energy of crowd surfer after crowd surfer. Finishing the set TDWP performed a mix of songs from both their records "Plagues" and "Dear Love: A Beautiful Dischord" (Songs being "This Song Is Called", "HTML Rulez D00d", "Modeify The Pronunciation", "Goats On A Boat", just to name a few.).

Awaiting the final act the crowd, impatient for Silverstein, they begin chanted "Silverstein" repeatedly. As they continued their mantra, the lights dimmed and a light show began, throwing Silverstein right into "Sound Of The Sun" and "If You Could See Into My Soul" Both the band and crowd fueling each other's fire with every breakdown into each song was intense. It was non-stop action throughout the whole night. Shane Told took a quick break to thank everyone for coming and chatting it up with the crowd reminiscing memories from two years ago in Seattle on Halloween of dressing up in costumes and enjoying the holiday. Later into the night Silverstein continued to give an astounding performance playing various songs off of all their records. Finishing the night they performed "Giving Up", "Defend You", "Your Sword Vs My Dagger", "Smashed Into Pieces", Smile In Your Sleep". As the lights dimmed the crowd screamed for more, and as you know, you can't leave a mob of teenagers without an encore. More chants filled the sweat infested club and once again Silverstein took the stage concluding with "My Heroine" and My Heart Bleeds No More."

Over all as the satisfied teenagers embark to the many merch tables or outside to await the bands for autographs tonight was remarkable. Keep an eye out for this tour for it is surely one of the best line ups and performances likely to be seen within the US.

Michelle MitchellJennifer Lowey is a staff writer with Musiqtone. You can reach her at jenniferlowey@musiqtone.com.
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