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Friday, March 28th
Interviews: Nathan Morris
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Nathan Morris
Nathan Morris

An exclusive interview with Musiqtone
Nathan Morris

Nathan Morris is a former You Gotta Know from Owensboro, KY and is in a long list of singer-songwriters under the age of 30 that look join a list of some of their greatest peers ever, such as James Taylor. Nathan mixes acoustic pop/rock with a variety of overtones including pure pop and folk, crafting a new sound on traditional acoustic pop/rock. Since his last interview with Musiqtone, he has since moved to Nashville, looking for bigger and better things and chasing bigger dreams like any indie/underground talent does. He also has released his first album, the EP 'Leaving Duraleigh.'

Now we put him in out hot seat once again, this time with Kim. Here's her exclusive with the Nashville transplant.

Kim: Was music something you’ve always wanted to do?

Nathan:  Music is something I always wanted to be involved with in my life, but I never really decided to make it a career until a few years back.   I was pretty set on going to school for filmmaking.

K:  What is your first memory performing?

N:  I remember Mrs. Harris’ music class when the piano was played and I’d sway and sing louder than my peers. Mrs. Harris caught on and noticed, pulling me aside to help me and give me solos to sing for the class. Solos in class turned into solos in church services. Memories are great.

K:  Who are the influences in your music and in your own career?

N:  Nearly everyone I have a personal relationship with influences my music and the lyrics I write.  If I get busted up by them, I write about it.  If they make me smile, I write about that too.

K:  If there was only one song you could listen to for the rest of your life, what song would it be?

N:  Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve

K:  What is your philosophy on music?

N:  I’ve always thought to do something that I could wake up and do every day and enjoy it.  Music is that special act for me.  Music moves me to feel ways nothing else on this earth can make me feel. I feel myself, and at the same time, totally disconnected.

K:  Why is music important to you? 

N:  It’s the topic of conversation brought up by “blind daters” trying to see what they have in common or a new employee trying to find common ground in an office full of old veterans.  That’s why it’s important to me.  Because it brings so many together, helping find common ground, express an emotion one feels, or useful as a tool in dealing with life’s daily curveballs.

K:  What is your favorite song to perform off your EP “Leaving Duraleigh”?

N:  I really enjoy performing Leaving the Ground.  It’s a song I have no problem connecting with people on.

K:  Does the title of your EP have any significance, why did you choose this as your title?

N:  I remember writing down about 15 different CD titles that I thought would be good for the EP, but quickly would throw out thinking I was trying too hard.  So I went back to what was going on at that time in my life.  The relationships I had created were ending during the final stages of the recording process.  Duraleigh is a road in Raleigh North Carolina where I had been spending a lot of my time during the recording of the EP.  I drove Duraleigh Road many times.  I was inspired a lot in Raleigh.  When the relationships ended, of course I wouldn’t be making the trip down that road anymore.  I was leaving, moving on.  So Leaving Duraleigh was birthed.

K:  What was your favorite concert that you have ever been to?

N:  Rock N’ Roll Worship Circus

K:  What sets your music apart from others?

N:  My music is set apart from others because of that very fact… it’s mine.  No one else can mimic that.  That’s the beauty of music.

K:  What are your goals, short and in the long-term?

N:  I am so excited to announce that we are writing for my first LP.  Short term goals are to enjoy myself in the studio and put out something I’m ultimately pleased with and that people can have fun with and play for their friends.  Long term goals would be to keep doing what I’m doing now.

The Burn

K:  The thing or things you’d be doing if it weren’t for music?
N:  I’d be at a car dealership in Kentucky selling cars to people.  If not that, go to college and do the 9 to 5 thing. All of which are great things, they just aren’t for me.

K:  What is the most played song on your play list?
N:  Jonezetta- Communicate

K:  The things you can’t live without as a musician.
N:  Lemonade and beef jerky on the road and my in-ear monitors on stage. You give me those three things and I’m set.

K:  Music none of your friends (or fans) expect you to listen to
N:  Danity Kane. Maybe one friend would expect me to answer that.

K:  The ultimate venue to tour in
N:  House of Blues.  Regardless of city and state, I want to play them.

K:  Which act or acts would you love to share the stage (or bus) with?
N:  Hanson.  I’d enjoy being able to talk and share music with them. They’re extremely passionate about what they do.

K:  Non-musical talents you carry 
N:  I can pretty much tell you every item on the Wendy’s menu.(#6 is my weapon of choice.)  If you tell me your birthday, more than likely I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.

Kim Kaminske is a staff writer at Musiqtone. You can contact her at

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