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Tuesday, March 25th
The Hot Sweat
Hana Pestle
JoJo bursted on the pop scene at the age of 13 with her first smash hit, "Leave (Get Out)," which eventually hit no. 1 on the Billboard charts, making her the youngest ever to score a number one on the Billboards. She also became the youngest ever to be nominated for an MTV video award, has sung for the President of the United States twice, been on a world tour, and been in two movies. This is a life that many 15-16 year olds can dream of they would be doing when they turned 13. Now 15, she is already considered a music industry veteran and now is out ot prove to the most critical of music critics that she is not a flash in the pan, another pop act fresh from the cookie-cutters. Her much-anticipated new album, The High Road (Da Family/Blackground), showcases a talent that knows no bounds.  In just three years, her voice has gone from exceptional to enormous, while her confidence and maturity have soared to heights far above her age.  “This album will show people what I’m really made of,” she says.  “I want the world to see I’m here for the long run, and not some flash in the pan.”

Here is our exclusive interview with the 15 year old artist from Boston.

Krystal: Well first of all I want to tell you thank you so much for taking your time out and doing this interview!

JoJo: Oh, no problem!

K: Was music something you’ve always wanted be apart of, and when did u know that being a performer was meant for you?

J: Always, yeah basically forever. I’ve been singing since I was two and did a little acting when I was younger also I always knew it was something I wanted to do.

K: What was your first memory of performing?

J: My first memory of performing was when I had family over and I’d always make them listen to me sing; and if they didn’t listen I would get really upset. (Laughs)

K: What’s your philosophy on music?

J: Music really is art. I mean, it’s all up for interpretation. It’s like a piece of art; you can look at it many different ways.

K: How and why is music important to you?

J: I start and end my day with music. I turn to music throughout everything. When I’m sad I listen to it to cheer me up. Whatever mood I’m in music will always be there.

K: Who are the influences in your music and in your career?

J: When I was younger, music was always playing in the house, not that it isn’t now. I listened to Etta James and Aretha Franklin and many more. Those would be my influences.

K: How did it feel to be on TV at such a young age?

J: I was so excited to be able to perform. You know, I was more than thrilled; I was just so excited to be on stage.

K: How do you feel that you’ve matured vocally and mentally from the time that your first album dropped to now?

J: Well three years is a long time. I was 12 when I recorded my first album and now I’m 15.  You can hear growth in my voice. Oh, and I do warm ups now, which I have never done before. I reach lower and higher notes and I am definitely more willing and open to trying new things.

K: What’s the message you’re trying to get across in Too Little, Too Late?

J: It isn’t an angry song. I mean, many people have told me that it’s relatable and they feel like they connect to the song. It’s saying that it was nice while it lasted but you gave me too little too late.

K: What can we expect to hear on your sophomore album, The High Road?

J: You will hear songs (laughs). So I recorded 35 songs and then we pick and chose the ones for the album. It’s not just one genre of music, there’s a wide range of songs. I really don’t think many people can say they listen to only one genre. I want to have music that everyone can relate to.

K: What are your goals, short and long term?

J: I would really like to win a Grammy, have a #1 album, and eventually start my own record company.

THE BURN (12 Rapid Fire Questions)

What would u be doing if it weren’t for music?

I’d be in public school, and then I’d go to college. I love music so I would definitely do something that involved music. And I also really like to do hair, but there’s really no better job for me than this.

Is fame anything different than what you expected?

It’s a little different. When I was younger I don’t think I realized it’s not all glamorous. I mean, it’s really hard work. I wake up very early in the morning and my day doesn’t end until late at night.

What’s your favorite thing to eat?

Anything, I really like food! Oh, I just had Fondue last night for dinner. I really love their cheese, I just love Fondue everything!

If I looked in your CD player, or browsed through your Ipod, what music would I find?

DeAngelo, Stevie Wonder, the PussycatDolls, and many more.

What venue would you love to perform in?

Ooooh, I would die, well not really die, to perform in my hometown at Gillete Stadium.

Who would you love to share the stage with or even tour with?

I’m really not sure.

Do you have any other non-musical talents?

I’m good at doing hair and makeup. I love fashion, I’m artistic, and I also draw and write stories pretty well.

What’s your most embarrassing moment on stage?

I don’t think I can say. But there is one! I was wearing these high heels, this was 2 years ago, and I was getting ready to enter the stage for my big entrance. So I walk up the stairs to the stage and I trip! It was so embarrassing; the whole crowd was like, “OOOOH”. Yeah, so that’s my story.

What has been one of your favorite performances and why?

In 2004 I performed at Madison Square Garden for Z100. So many big celebrities were there, and of course I was the youngest, like usual. It was so moving, I got a little emotional and I cried.

Who do you feel are some of the hottest celebrities out there right now?

I would definitely say Beyonce, even though there isn’t one artist that I really dislike. Oh and Reggie Bush, he plays football. Also Justin Timberlake I love the new video, I think I have a crush!

Krystal McBrideKrystal McBride was an interviewer/features columnist and New Artists columnist with Musiqtone from 2006-2007.

(C) 2006 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of JoJo and Musiqtone.
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