Detroit is the birthplace of Motown, Eminem, and brought the music world the White Stripes and Kid Rock. Now, you can add rising talent Justine Blazer to the list of notables from the Motor City. She is already a budding music mogul, owning her own entertainment company and did we mention she can sing? Most certainly.
Here is Alan Ho's first exclusive interview in 2006....
Alan Ho: Thanks for taking time for this interview Justine. So, tell, our readers a little bit about yourself.
Justine Blazer: Doing this interview is my pleasure! Well, I am a 22y/o singer, songwriter, a recording artist, a musician, an entertainer, an entrepreneur, and the list goes on… I have spent my whole life doing what I do best. I love to sing and entertain. It gives me such a rush.
AH: It seems that music is the biggest thing in your life, what got you interested in music and was this something you wanted to do in life when you were growing up?
JB: Yes, for sure! I knew since I was a little kid that music, singing, performing were all things I was born to do. I feel I was put here on this earth to sing and make people happy through the art of music.
AH: What was your first experience performing?
JB: When I was about 5 years old. I competed in a singing competition and I won 2nd place! Not bad for a youngster.
AH: We ask everyone this all-important question: What is your philosophy on music?
JB: My philosophy on music is to have fun, don’t take it too seriously. I mean, you have got to keep it real and express what you want. People can sense when you just trying to fake it to just sell, sell, sell like many artists out there today do. I just try to write songs inspired what I m feeling at that time. It’s a creative outlet for me and I am glad I have this talent and ability.
AH: Who are your influences in the music you perform and in your career?
JB: Tons! Let’s start with Michael Jackson (back in the day Michael), Christina Aguilera, and Anastacia. Sass Jordan, Sheryl Crow, Gwen Stefani, Pat Benetar…and so many more!

AH: What is the best fan experience you’ve ever had?
JB: Oh, I have so many… I love everyone who is into my music. I am just glad at anyone that likes my music other than my mom, dad or sister (they are family, they don’t count, lol).
AH: Why is music important to you?
JB: It is an outlet for me, it always has been. I use to dance big time! I remember if I wasn’t singing or playing the piano another outlet for me was to just go to the dance studio by myself and just blast the music and just dance for hours! Music is just so important to me.
AH: Having done commercials and talks shows, how has that help you in getting your music and name out?
JB: I was in the Jimmy Kimmel Live Commercial in Hollywood, CA a few years ago. I was on No Cover TV doing an interview. I have been on some radio shows and such as well. Yes any little bit of promotion helps!
AH: Having performed the Star-Spangled Banner many times, were you at all nervous the first few times you did it?
JB: Yes! And I still get nervous! I feel if you stop getting nervous, you stop caring. It’s such a jolt to sing such a great song with so much being, especially in today’s world when we are still at war.
AH: In your profile it says that you are the head of your own music company; tell us how it started and how has that helped you and your career.
JB: I started my company when I was 20 y/o. It has put me in total control of my entire career. This is my empire and I feel so complete knowing everything I have done, I have done pretty much on my own.
AH: Out of the songs you have playing or spinning out there, which one defines you?
JB: They all do in a way. Every song represents me in a certain aspect.
AH: Finally, what are your goals, short and in the long-term?
JB: I am releasing a new single by the end of the summer, YAY! I am getting a music video made for my song “Rush”. Within the next year to year and a half I will release another album. I keep writing and improving as an artist. There’s no stopping Justine Blazer!
The Burn:
The thing or things you’d be doing if it weren’t for musician
I’d be lost, lol… I would be a teacher, marketing director, producer…
What’s spinning in your music player right now?
I like The Veronicas (kind of corny music but they are cute), RHCP, Theory of a Deadman, Herbie Hancock, Gnarls Barkley, Kelly Clarkson…
The things you can’t live without as a musician
Guitar picks, you can never have enough of those! Also my Casio WK 3100 keyboard (I love it…it’s so cute and handy!), a notepad and paper for lyrics that pop out of nowhere!
Performing in front of 60,000 screaming sports fans at the Palace of Auburn Hills or 20,000 screaming fans at say the Allstate Arena?
Either one, doesn’t matter to me. I just love to sing!
Music none of your friends (or fans) expect you to listen to
Alternative or metal perhaps. Every now and then I love a little head banging!
The ultimate venue to tour in
Madison Square Garden
Which act or acts would you love to share the stage (or bus) with?
Madonna, of course! I could learn so much from her!
Non-musical talents you carry
I am good public speaker. I am also smart. I currently carry a 3.5GPA, I draw pretty decent of different things. I am excellent at doing hair and make-up.
Three people you would like to have dinner with.
Madonna, Marilyn Monroe and Oprah
Favorite food(s)?
Cottage Cheese, baked Lays, DT Pepsi, celery, Shrimp, Taco Bell, Chili’s, French fries, chocolate cookies, ranch dressing on everything! I love to eat! If I didn’t keep my workouts up, I would probably be like 300 lbs, lol!
Your most embarrassing moment on stage.
I sang for the Dallas Mavericks not to long ago. I walked out on to the court, started to sing and my microphone died! So there I stand before 25,000 people just looking around going “Um…hi? Now what am I suppose to do???” There soon after the staff was freaking out and scrambling around trying to get me a new microphone. They FINALLY run out to the court and give me a back up mic and I sing the song and still did a great job!
Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson, Sade, Celine Dion, or Christina Aguilera?
I love them all for different reasons. They are all so talented and expressive. I hope one day I can be an icon like them.