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Friday, March 28th
News Interview: Britney Christian
Britney Christian
Britney Christian- A Rising Star

An exclusive interview with Musiqtone
Britney Christian
Special to Musiqtone

In 1999, the world was introduced to a 17 year old Britney Spears and she took the music world by storm short and pushing the limits of...well...everything.  She helped unleash a torrent of teenage talent, all looking to claim the triple mantle that Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, and Whitney Houston all carried in the early to mid 90s.  But they've come and gone...except for Jessica Simpson.  But to claim one part of the mantle, it takes talent, the kind of talent you don't create at some pop cookie-cutter factory, the kind of talent you make by working hard and honest and getting discovered by the right people.  It takes years, not months to make it happen.  Now in 2005, a 16 year old from Ventura, CA could be the very person to lead a new mantle of divas someday after Mariah, Whitney, and Celine come and go by.  And she is also called Britney.

At Musiqtone, it's our job to find the best new hidden talent out there, the next Mariah Carey if you will.  It was 14 years ago, an obscure and little-known Mariah that was discovered by millions on the Arsenio Hall show.  Now granted we don't have millions upon millions viewing our site, but 2,000 hits every 6 hours will do.  And finally, it's our job to project who got that thing music industry execs call 'it.'  Now we don't know what 'it' is or means, but we know that having 'it' brings success and fame, and of course the money.  In 2002, we called American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson having that 'it' and now she's the most successful artist on the Musiqtone Top 40 with six no. 1 hits on our mainstream monitor.  In 2005, we are proud to say that 16 year old Britney Christian has 'it' and we are proud to present the next Britney, Britney Christian as one of the rising stars for 2005 and we predict big things for 2006 as a future breakout artist.

Move over Britney Spears, a new Britney is about to take center stage... and here's our exclusive with the very person who has been no. 1 on our Digital 40 chart.

The Interview:

Alan Ho: Thanks for taking time for this interview Britney. So, tell, our readers a little bit about yourself.

Britney Christian: Well, I will be 16 in November and I live in California with my parents, my older sister and two younger brothers. I am a pretty normal teenager. I go to high school. I do all the usual stuff, except I sing a lot. I can’t seem to go more than ten minutes without breaking into a song, as my friends and family will tell you. Even the neighbors hear me since my voice is pretty strong and carries!

AH: How did you get your start performing and was this something you knew that you wanted in life?

BC: I started singing in church choir when I was four. I performed in a lot of musical theater starting at a young age, and I was in a lot of talent shows. When I was 12, my mom sent a home-made tape of me singing the National Anthem to the Los Angeles Dodgers. We never expected to hear anything, but they called and said they wanted me to sing at a Dodger game. So I sang at Dodger Stadium at age 12 and started singing at a lot of stadiums for sports teams such as the San Francisco Giants, Oakland A’s, Arizona Diamondbacks, L.A. Clippers, UCLA Bruins, LA Galaxy, and others. And the Dodgers were nice enough to invite me back to sing several times. I started recording songs earlier this year and when summer arrived I started performing regularly with my band at venues around Los Angeles. My first show was as opening act for Disney’s Raven Symone in July.

AH: You’re already gaining recognition for someone so young, how long have you been making music???

BC: Well, my mom would say I’ve been making music since I could talk. She tells me when I was not even 2 we were all in the car driving and my mom turned on the radio and I started singing to the song and she remembers looking at my dad in amazement that I was on key. From there I sang in church choir and had a lot of success in talent shows in my elementary and middle schools. When I was 12 my mom decided to send tapes to the sports teams. My dad loves sports and she thought that would be the ultimate gift to my dad if I sang at a game. We were surprised at the response. Within months of sending out the tape I got to sing for the Dodgers twice, the Avengers, and the Galaxy. My Dad was in heaven! Then this past year, I started recording songs with some big time people and performing regularly.

AH: We ask everyone this all-important question: What is your philosophy on music?

BC: Music is a way of expressing the way you feel. A way to relate to other people and have them know that they aren’t the only ones dealing with life’s everyday struggles.

AH: Who are your influences in the music you perform and in your career?

BC: Some of my influences include Christina Aguilera, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion. All four of them have amazing vocal skills. In terms of the songs I like to sing, my influences are Christina Aguilera, Avril Lavine, Kelly Clarkson and Ashlee Simpson. I think all of them have awesome songs. I grew up hearing lots of different artists which get thrown into the mix of who I am. Elvis, Elton John, Van Morrison, Billy Joel and lots of Queen! I love Queen I think they are amazing!

AH: I don’t like typecasting, especially in the genre you play in, but what sets you apart from how Britney, Jessica, Christina, and Mandy when they first started to gain recognition?

BC: They all have great talent, but the first three kind of jumped on the whole show your skin thing. I want people to be moved by my voice and my music. I know the right look has to be there but if your voice and songs are good enough I don’t see the need for trying to get people to hear your music by showing skin.

AH: What is the best fan experience you’ve ever had?

BC: When I first took the stage at the Disney concerts this summer, everyone was chanting for Raven and I could tell they weren’t exactly thrilled that I was taking the stage. But half way into my first song they were screaming my name. Then they started crowding the stage and reaching up to try to touch me while I was singing. It was an amazing experience to go, in the space of five minutes, from someone no one knew to someone they were treating like a star. The second day they actually roped off the people so they couldn’t get too close to the stage.

AH: Why is music important to you?

BC: It is difficult to explain but my whole life has been about music. As I said, I can’t seem to go more than ten minutes without singing. Its what I love to do. It gives me the ability to make people happy and to set an example for other girls my age. It makes me feel so good when people react positively to my music. It’s a gift to be able to do something that can make people laugh and cry.

AH: What are the top themes in your music?

BC: They usually have to do with everyday living issues. Things like having big crushes, getting your heart broken or teen pressures.

AH: We have to ask this: Are you more nervous performing the National Anthem at Dodger Stadium or opening for Raven?

BC: I’m asked that a lot and the honest answer is, no. It is a real blessing that I am not the type of person who gets nervous before I sing, and I never have been. I admit I did have butterflies before I went on stage at the Raven concert because there were thousands of screaming kids and it was the first time performing with my band, but as soon as I started it vanished and I just had a lot of fun. As for Dodger Stadium, I was not nervous at all. I just thought it was so cool seeing all those people out there.

AH: Out of the songs you have playing or spinning out there, which one defines you?

BC: Definitely, “Little Things You Do” I was the one who wrote the song so all the lyrics are direct thoughts of my own arranged in a way that sounds good! J People my age seem to respond very well to that song.

AH: Finally, what are your goals, short and in the long-term?

BC: Obviously my main goal is to get a recording contract with a label, big or small, that’s really excited about me, my image, and the music I like to perform. They have to be able to promote, too, because the more people who hear my music the more I can make a positive difference.
The Burn:

The thing or things you’d be doing if it weren’t for music…

I could not exist without singing. I work very hard at it but I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. I have lots of great friends and they all know singing flows through my veins!

What’s spinning in your music player right now?

Avril Lavigne’s first CD. It’s one of those things that I way over-played when it first came out. Then I got sick of it, but about three weeks ago I picked it up again and I’m addicted to it again.

The things you can’t live without as a musician

A notebook and a tape recorder to record any song ideas I have. My guitar is also a necessity. I just started playing random chord progressions. When I am deep in thought once in a great while they just randomly turn into a song.

Music none of your friends (or fans) expect you to listen to

Well, I’m not sure I could shock my friends. They are pretty use to me listening to a wide range of stuff. As for the fans, they might be surprised to know that I like a lot of the classic rock stuff like Queen, Elvis, the Beatles, stuff like that. I have actually been closing my shows with a Beatles song called Drive My Car.

The ultimate venue to tour in

Madison Square Garden

Which act or acts would you love to share the stage (or bus) with?

Jesse McCartney would be good.

Non-musical talents you carry

If all goes well I will be a black belt in Tae Kwon Do in two weeks. I’ve done a lot of acting and speaking and I love to dance. I get really good grades in school too because I work really hard!

Three people you would like to have dinner with.

I think it would be great to have dinner with the Divas (Christina, Mariah and Celine)! But I suppose it would be better if I could have dinner with David Foster, Ron Fair and Tommy Mottola so I could break into a song and hopefully impress them.

Favorite food(s)?

Starbucks’ Mint Moca Chip J Not really a food but hey my mom and I love to share these! I love chocolate too!

Your most embarrassing moment on stage.

I was on stage once singing a Hillary Duff song called “Party Up.” I had just learned it the week before. When the band started playing my mind went completely blank. At that moment I couldn’t think of a single word. I just started dancing and the band kept playing and when they got to the chorus I finally remembered the words and started singing. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before.

Britney, Christina, Jessica, Mandy, Mariah, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion or Kelly Clarkson? And you can pick one of them!

Ahhh, so hard because they’re all so talented! I’d have to go for Christina. I think her voice is amazing. She has the range and so much presence. Whitney is a close second.

Alan Ho-Alan Ho is the founder and chief head of Musiqtone...and also the guy who writes incoherent articles whenever he wants to...oh yeah and the interview thing too. You can reach the big man at Musiqtone at

(C) 2005 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of Britney Christian and Musiqtone.