Michael Endreola, a 20 year old from Southern California, combines the sounds of Jack Johnson and Howie Day, but also manages to completely make his own sound in completely relaxing music. With his 2005 'This is Me' EP, every song on there portrays how really talented he is.
Was music something you’ve always wanted to do and what was your first memory performing?
Yes actually, singing, and making my own songs are some of my oldest memories. I remember being in first or second grade in my room with a tape recorder making what must have been just awful awful songs. That, and putting on soundtracks or my Boyz II Men cd and putting on shows in my room. haha
Who are the influences in your music and in your own career?
There are so many musicians that have influenced me coming into my own, But Honestly I really admire Jack Johnson. When I first heard his music, it triggered something inside of me. He is definately a huge influence in my sound. Not only that, but the way he handles himself and his career. He doesn't let things push him around or manipulate his style. He truly is just doing what makes him happy and you feel that in his music. And that is what inspires me everyday, that is a big goal of mine.
There's a lot of musicians who have different philosophy's on music: what is your philosophy on music?
hmm. Good question, the way I think of music is that there is an infinate amount of possibilities that can come out from it, depending on who you are, what you do, and what you have to say, you can reach so many different people, and sometimes even effect someone's life.
Why is music important to you?
Music I think is the most important thing. Who do you know doesn't listen to music ? Sometimes there is nothing better than a great song. When a great one finds you, the feeling is un mistakable.
In short term and long term aspects, what are your goals?
My goal for last year was to get enough songs together to put my demo together, and I'm happy to say I did that. My current short term goals, are to hit more venues, and do some killer shows. A long term goal of mine, would be to perform a massive show in front of a couple hundred strangers that are into my music. That would be intense, I can't wait for that.
The Burn:
If it weren't for music, what are other things you would be doing?
I'm actually an art student too. My major is in Media Arts and Animation. So If not for music, I would be putting that major to use at some corporate beast.
What are you listening to in your CD player right now?
Right now in my changer I have
The Strokes : First Impressions of earth - love it, they're one of my favorite bands.
Guns n roses - Greatest Hits. - You really can't go wrong here with this cd. it's great for driving.
Dez Hope - Dez Hope - I met this guy at a show I did last month, he went on an hour after me, and he's amazing.
Metric - Live it out - soo good.
We Are Scientists - WIth Love and Squalor - too good.
Imogen Heap - Speak for yourself. - She blows my mind.
There are some things musicians just can't live without! What can't you live without as a musician? My first guitar Stacey. I named her, because you have to name your first guitar, It's just the rules. And I say I can't live without her because of that. It was my first guitar, there are just so many good times and memories tied into that thing that I can't see myself parting with it, even now that she's completely thrashed I still keep her around.
Which venue would you absolutely love to perform in?
The Hollywood Bowl. It's so beautiful being there, and just to think of all the great bands, performers and people that have come before you there is amazing.
Everybody has this.. what is something you listen to that your friends/family wouldn't expect you to listen to?
oh man, it would have to be the hip hop I listen to. Not your Kanye West's and Eminem's but the fact that I know all the lines from almost every Tupac song, that's usually something I keep to myself, so let's keep that between you and I.
What/where is the ultimate venue to tour in?
I love the Wiltern. I would love to play there. It's the smallest big venue in town. The audience can really feel intimate with the band there, and not just lost in a sea of people.
Who are some musicians that you would love to perform with?
If I could get on stage with Jack that would be immense... I would love to sing some songs with John Mayer, I think he's brilliant, and I think out sounds would mesh well for harmonies. But If it could be anyone, how badass would it be to perform with Billy Idol ? I mean, we don't sound anything alike, but come on he's Billy Idol ! The man rocks like there's no tomorrow, you've got to respect that.
Are there any non-musical talents you carry?
Im a descent graphic designer, I did my cover art, and do all my flyers. I paint a little bit too.
What's your favorite food?
Burritos ! I could have one everyday . For breakfast AND dinner, they're so versatile.
On stage, what was one of your most embarrassing moments?
I was doing a show at this Dive in hollywood, and I mean Dive. Half way in my two bottom strings give out in the middle of one of my songs. So what could I do? I just kept trucking on finished out the song.It could not have sounded more horrible. It wouldn't have been as bad, but that was the only guitar I brought and ended up delaying the set while I raced to find a spare one to finsh my last 3 songs or so. I guess that's not too bad.
What are some of your guilty pleasures?
Brownies, they get me every time.
How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard you before?
hmm that's actually the hardest thing for me to do. I usually tell them that I do some laid back Acoustic Alternative stuff. And from that they can get an okay idea.
Tyler Hilton, John Mayer, Gavin DeGraw, or Jack Johnson- who would you like to tour with the most?
That's such a hard question. But I think i'm going to have to give it to Jack.Not to take anything away from the other guys, because it would be an honor to open for any of them. But Jack takes it because I think we would be able to sneak some good surf sessions in here and there on the tour.|
Are there any other instruments that you can play besides guitar?
I love to bang around the drums, and percussion instruments. However guitar is pretty much the only one.
-Interview done by Emily Harbaugh. She does music reviews for the really rad Adam Aguirre. You can reach her at emilyharbaugh@musiqtone.com.
(C) 2005 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of Michael Endreolaand Musiqtone.