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Friday, March 28th
Interviews: New Atlantic
New Atlantic
New Atlantic

An exclusive interview with Musiqtone
New Atlantic
New Jersey band New Atlantic has definitely shown they have the potential to become a huge mainstream band. Proving that they have determination they had toured non-stop in the passed and released their on EP before being signed to Eyeball Records. Their album The Streets, The Sounds, and The Love came out this past April and even includes guest vocalist Will Pugh of Cartel on Wire and Stone. Make sure to stop by and see them live on one of their tour dates with The Spill Canvas, Meg & Dia, and PlayRadioPlay!

Amanda:  Can you please state your name and what you play in the band, for our readers?

Gio:  Hey, I’m Gio & I sing.

How was New Atlantic formed?

I met our former guitarist Chris my sophomore year of college.  We began writing music together for a couple years, and our senior year decided to take it a little more seriously.  Through the internet and some friends we were able to find other members, and started up New Atlantic.

Where did the name New Atlantic come from?

To be honest, there is no real meaning behind the name… we just made a long list, and New Atlantic was our favorite.

Where does the inspiration for the lyrics come from?

The inspiration for the lyrics comes from a lot of different things.  Personally, a lot of my inspiration comes from listening to other music.

What is your best experience from being in New Atlantic?

I get to travel the country and perform for a new crowd of people everyday… It’s such a privilege to be pursuing my dream.

What is your favorite song on The Streets, the Sounds, and the Love, and why?

I have a lot of favorites, but “What It’s Like To Feel Small” is definitely on the list.  The song is about being on the road & missing your loved ones, while following your dreams. I really enjoy performing that song every night.

Chris and Jake recently left the band, how has their departure affected New Atlantic?

It slowed us down for a short while, but once the word got out that we needed replacements, things started to speed back up pretty quickly.  We miss those guys, but everything happens for a reason, and I think we’re all better off this way.

Since being signed to Eyeball Records and having The Streets, the Sounds, and the Love released, how do you feel your life has changed over the past year?

Touring with a record out has truly made a difference in our turnouts at shows.  It’s amazing to play a city and finally see kids singing along.  I also get so much more support from my family & friends, since an album in stores & a video on TV is a huge achievement in their eyes. Though everyday that we play a new city is an achievement to me.

Do you have any crazy fan stories?

We had a few fans start an online forum about our butts.  They would go to shows and take photos secretly of our rear ends and post them online.  Sounds pretty nuts, but I find it hilarious at the same time.

Where is your favorite place to play a show?

The House of Blues in New Orleans is awesome and always a ton of fun, but I also love playing anywhere in Philadelphia. The kids there are so great to us.

Who would you like to tour with in the future?

I would love to tour with U2, The Killers, or Maroon 5.

What are you currently listening to?

We’ve been listening to a lot of The Damnwells, Ryan Adams, Augustana, & Keane in the van lately.

If you weren’t in New Atlantic, where do you think you would be right now?

I would definitely be in another band or pursuing a solo career.  I have no intention to do anything else with my life.

Thank you so much for sitting in our “Hot Seat” today! Is there anything else you would like to add?

Just want to say thanks MusiqTone & everyone who took the time to read this interview.  Please check out our myspace profile ( for upcoming tour dates & come out to a show sometime.

Amanda Agueda Amanda Agueda is a staff writer with Musiqtone. You can reach her at

(C) 2007 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of New Atlanticand Musiqtone.
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