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Friday, January 17th
The Hot Sweat
Hana Pestle
Hana Pestle
Joey Page is a rising star from Radio Disney trying to spread his music around to kids of all ages. Coming from Florida, Joey has a new pop sound that reels you in and makes you want to hear more. Joey's working on a CD right now and it should be out sometime in late 2008, early 2009. After his concert opening for Jordin Sparks, we got a chance to catch up with him on what he's up to.

Atheena & Leila: Hi! Can you please introduce yourself, and what you do?
Joey Page: Hi, my names Joey Page, I’m a singer on Radio Disney, I sing the song, “Who I Am”, otherwise maybe you’ve heard of me. If not, check me out.

A&L: So Joey, when did you first realize you had a passion for singing?
Joey Page: Um, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I started out acting, and you got musicals and all that stuff, and I met a producer, and we just started making music since day one. I wrote my first song when I was like, 8, so yeah.

A&L: So how old were you when you first started performing in front of an audience?
JP: Well I started with the musicals, when I was 10, but as far as like, actually singing, wasn’t till a year and a half ago.

A&L: Who or what was your inspiration to write “Call Me Up?”
JP: I was in a long distance relationship at the time, no names ha-ha, but yeah, it didn’t work. So that’s what “Call Me Up” was about, just saying, I was only a phone call away. It was all about communicating, that was the key.

A&L: Can you play any instruments?
JP: I can play piano, I used to play trumpet. Violin. Um, I’m learning guitar. But, I’m learning, just keep that in mind. I’m still; I’m very bad at it.

A&L: If you could choose two celebrities to tour with, whom would they be, and why?
JP: I’d say Elvis and Michael Jackson. I wouldn’t want to be on the same bus as Michael Jackson for obvious reasons, but um, he’s an amazing performer, like unreal. And Elvis, because I mean, it’s Elvis! But, he just really changed everything for performers.

A&L:  Why did you choose your genre of pop?
JP: It’s pop! I mean everyone likes pop. Not really. But I really like pop. I grew up with pop music. I’m from Orlando, so it was the pop capital. You had N’Sync, and Backstreet Boys, O-Town, LFO, all a couple of miles from me. So there are so many boy bands I just recently found out about, it’s just huge in Orlando. I mean, I was in the pop capital. I was surrounded by it, and it just went from there.

A&L: What are your main goals, musically, for 2009?
JP: I really want to be on tour, as much as possible, I like it. I like to meet new faces, and see all these cities I’ve never been to before, and so hopefully I can keep that up. And finally release something! Like, I have an EP coming out before 2009!

A&L: What’s your favorite song to perform?
JP: That’s a hard one. Um, “Tainted Love” is probably my all time favorite, but, “Who I Am” is a close second, just because so many people know it. And when I go to all the shows all the littler kids know it. But “Tainted Love”, you got all the mom’s, and parents, jumping around and singing along. It’s kind of a tie.

A&L: Why did you decide to cover “Tainted Love”?
JP: Its one of my favorite songs from the 80’s! And actually, a mentor of mine, Joe Fatone, or Joey Fatone’s dad, he was telling me it was a good idea to cover a song, so that people already know the lyrics, and it’s already familiar to them. And one day I was just listening to a CD, and I had all these other thoughts of songs, and I was just sitting in a car ride one time, to like the beach or something, and I never thought about it, performing one of my favorite songs. And my dad was like. “Why don’t you just do that song?” and I was just like, well…And he was just like, sing it again! So I was like …ok? Yeah, I’ll just do that song. So I went up to LA, and it was actually the fastest song I’ve ever had to record. I did it in like, a half hour just because I already knew everything on it. Like it usually takes all day to do a song, but I was really on it. I mean I was hittin it. It was awesome.

A&L:  Is there a message you’re trying to get across through your music?
JP: Oh definitely! I mean, every song is different. Some of the songs are about teenage love just sucking. “Who I Am” is about diversity, nationality. Obviously I’m not like everyone, but the issue matters. Each song comes from the heart, I wrote all of them. Except for “Tainted Love”. So they all have a story behind them.

A&L: And lastly, is there anything you would like to say to your fans?
JP: Thank you guys so much for everything. Without you I would be absolutely no where. You guys have been amazing to me. You’ve been out picketing Radio Disney, spamming magazines to put me in. It’s just done so much for me and my career. So many people have taken notice to me. And thank you again.

Spencer AbbottAtheena Wagner is a staff writer at Musiqtone. You can reach her at atheenawagner@musiqtone.com

Leila Mustafa
Leila Mustafa is a staff writer with Musiqtone. You can reach her at leilamustafa@musiqtone.com

(C) 2008 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of Joey Page and Musiqtone.
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