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Friday, March 28th
The Hot Sweat
Justin Nozuka
Hana Pestle
KSM is the real deal as they just recorded their debut cd "Distracted" with Buena Vista Records and just got back from their national tour with the America's national gymnastics team. Soon to be  rock stars, Kate, Katie, Sophie, Shelby and Shae make up this all girl rock band. We were lucky to get some questions answered by two of the girls Sophie and Shae about whats up next for KSM.

Melissa: Can you start off by introducing yourselves?
Shelby: Alrighty well I’m Shelby, and I’m the vocals of the band.
Shae: And I’m Shae and I play lead guitar

M:How did you guys get together as a band?
Shae: About two years ago the Goo Goos came up with a cool idea an all girl band they wanted real young girls so, they went out looking for um like you know for young musicians instead of just actresses or whatever. We went to some auditions and at the end of the day the four of us got picked and then, um in February we got Shelby our lead singer.

M:So you guys are touring on the 2008 Tour of Gymnastics. How is that?
Shelby: Its a lot of fun the people there are so fun and amazing at what they do. Tomorrows our last day we really bummed. We love hanging out with gymnasts and we love performing in all the arenas. Yeah it’s good. It was a blast!

M:What your inspiration for the music you write?
Well um as a band in general we are really influenced by female artist from like past and present. Like Paramore’s, Hayley Williams and Pink and No Doubt. A lot of those bands and music. But individually I love Cyndi Lauper, and Kate our drummer is influenced by Travis Barker So we all vary as individuals, but as a whole we look up to female artist.

M:What’s playing on your iPod?
Shae: Our bands favorite is probably Paramore or Pink, yeah but we really listen to a lot of rock.
Shelby: Yeah on my iPod I listen to a lot of indie rock music yeah, like on my iPod right now I have a lot of Automatic LoveLetter.....They're amazing.

M:Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?
Shae: Probably 5 years we’ll be together playing music. We’re really hoping to grow as musicians together as a band. You know writing more. We’re just having a blast on this journey.
Shelby: We hope to be high up on the charts and competing with the artists of today. Yeah and hoping to play lots of music and working hard.

M:What’s your favorite song to perform?
Shelby: My favorite to perform is “Crazy over you” it’s a song we recorded on the album, and it’s a lot of fun to perform. It’s an upbeat kind of shuffle song it’s really fun. It’s a lot of fun to perform though.
Shae: My favorite is “Distracted” or “Don’t come cryin”. I really like “Don’t come cryin” it’s really rock and has it has a cool heavy voice to it. It’s really fun.

M:Do you write your own music for the album?
Shelby: Well we do write but on this album we work with a great, amazing songwriting partnership (laughs).....Robbie Nevil and Matthew Gerrard who wrote songs for like high school musical and a lot of other artist so on this cd, no we didn’t write and but we have songs we wrote together so hopefully they will go on the next album.

M:So while writing your own songs where do you get your inspiration?
Everyday girl problems (laughs) and we have a lot of fun and everyday is different everyday is a new journey like boy problems or problems with the band like little drama things like trying to share a straightener(laughs) just things we go through everyday.

M:What would be your “dream tour”?
Shae: Demi Lovato or Paramore
Shelby: No doubt I’m pretty sure is coming out with a reunion album and going on a reunion tour. It might be a rumor but people have been agreeing. I’m not sure if its true I hope it is. They are like one of my all time favorite bands

M:How long have you been playing music?
Shelby: I’ve been singing since I was 5 years old in my grand mom’s living room yeah and I’ve been singing all my life and I started musical theater when I was eight and then I started listening to punk rock music and then I started playing and now I’m here
Shae: Oh how long. I’ve been playing for 5 years.

M:Do you think you will be branching out to acting, etc.?
Shelby: Well right now we’re just focused on our music and we don’t know what the future will bring. But right now were just looking at music.

M:Can you describe your other band mates?
Shelby: Alright Kate is our drummer she is the jokester or prankster she is the really crazy one of the group. You have to look out when you’re around her because she might pull a rope on you guys and trip you. (laughs)

Um Sophia she is very committed. She’ll come up with dances and she’s great.
Shelby: We love her.
Shelby: Katie who is guitar and vocals, she is a lot of fun and crazy. We’ll do meet and greets at the end of a show and she will talk and talk, she talks a lot, (laughs) it’s great. We love it though. She’s really entertaining. She is a lot of fun.

M:You said you didn’t want to be labeled as a “Chick Band”. How are you breaking from that label?
Shae: Because we are all females, we are stereotyped. People think oh girls cant play as good as guys you know, but we are real musicians.
Shelby: We hope to inspire other girls who might want to go out and do it and not be afraid to be judged.

M:Do you think its an advantage to be signed to Disney or do you think it stereotypes you?
Shelby: Well were really thankful to be with Disney. They are just awesome and they are such an amazing company. So were not really worried about that because Demi lovato, The Jonas Brothers and Miley are really successful and we would love to be in their shoes.

M:Anything coming up? A tour? Album?
Shelby: Well our album is coming out after the first of the year, you know, were putting finishing touchings on it and hopefully well be going on a tour after that to promote it.

M:A message to your fans?
Shelby: Thanks you so much! And check out our MySpace and check us out I’m pretty sure at disneychannel.com or Disney (laughs)

M:Anything else you would want to add?
Shae: Thanks for doing this interview. We really appreciate it.

Spencer AbbottMelissa Lynham is a staff writer in the East Coast region at Musiqtone.com. You can reach her at melissalynham@musiqtone.com.

(C) 2008 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of KSM and Musiqtone.
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