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Monday, February 17th
The Hot Sweat
Jon McLaughlin
Jon McLaughlin

An exclusive interview with Musiqtone
Jon McLaughlin

Jon McLaughlin, a piano and songwriting prodigy, has gone from small town musician from Anderson, Indiana who did time at Downtown Records in Lafayette, Indiana, near Purdue University to major-label artist with coast to coast exposure, landing on a tour with Kelly Clarkson, and having his music in film and tv.. With a unique music style, Jon has become a critically acclaimed musician. Currently, Jon Mclaughlin is touring the country and promoting his new album. I caught up with him at his LA show at the Troubadour and it went a little something like this.

Video interview:


Amanda AguedaSamantha Cano is a staff writer for Musiqtone.com. You can reach her at samanthacano@musiqtone.com.

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