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Tuesday, February 4th
The Hot Sweat
The Cab
Hana Pestle
There For TomorrowCristina: First of all introduce yourselves.
Jay: I'm Jay and I play bass
Christian: I'm Christian and I play guitar in There For Tomorrow

C: How would you describe There For Tomorrow?
JE: I think the same says it all. I think we want to have a lasting impression on music and the scene - not just this scene in general but most people we can reach.
CC: We love Warped Tour but we don't want to be another Warped Tour band. We'll always want to come back here and do this but we want to be everywhere and anywhere we can go.

C: Do you think people look at your band in that way now?
CC: Our fans that have know us for a while they understand that. I think new fans, it would probably take some time to catch on to that. But I think anyone that has talked to us or anything like that gets that vibe.
JE: Or at least can understand that that's what we're looking to do.

C: How does your music reflect that? Do you think there's anything that sets you apart from other bands in this scene? Because I personally think there is.
CC: Yeah I would hope so. There's a lot of bands out here and on any tour that have this "thing." And so many bands are doing the "thing" and we're trying to not do the "thing" and do our own stuff. If anything, we're trying not to fall into that mush.

C: How's Warped Tour going?
JE: Warped tour has been really good. It's been fun. Cold, rainy, hot - any weather you can imagine besides snowing.
CC: I was really stoked for today. Still am. This is a really cool Warped Tour day. Kids are always stoked. It sucks that it's raining. But it doesn't stop the kids. It's been a good ride.

C: You guys just released a full length called "A Little Faster."
JE: It's really eclectic. It has a bunch of different types of songs and different ranges of emotions. I think before with the EP, we got labeled as this one trick pony or whatever. We just have this one sound we're good at. We wanted to show that we have more sides.
CC: It was really nice to make a full length and not be restricted to six songs. We actually got to create a mood over the span of an entire album which is something we've been wanting to do for a while. We were really stoked to have the chance to do that and show kids what we're about.

C: And how has the reaction been to it so far?
CC: It's been great! Every review we've gotten back from our publicists have said nothing but good things. We're really stoked about it. we're glad that people have been responding well to it.

C: What's in the future for There For Tomorrow?
CC: We're going to finish up Warped Tour and have some time off at home in September. We might be doing some touring in September we might stay home at right. Because we're always writing, I don't think you can ever stop. We're always writing. I think some bands write a record and then they go on tour for a while and never write. When they try to write again it's like, what did we use to do? We try to keep the motion going.
C: Do you guys try to write on tour too?
CC: Not too much on this tour but we need to get on that. Then in the fall we're touring with Hit The Lights during October and November. It should be fun. Then next year we're going to the UK.
C: Is that the first time you guys are heading over there?
CC: Yes. Our first international tour was Japan. It should be awesome.
C: Do you know what to expect fan base wise?
CC: *laughs* We have no idea.
JE: Yeah.
CC: Hopefully we'll be pleasently surprised.
JE: Ha for real.

C: So let's end with one random thing...
JE: I like turtles.
CC: I was wearing... actually we were! Me and Jay, at some point during these last three days, were wearing Batman band aids.
C: The sponge bob ones are cooler. They glow in the dark.
CC: Actually, I had a Barbie one too. Someone gave them to me. I cut my finger
JE: *laughs* Yeah I don't know how these things happen to us

(C) 2009 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of There for Tomorrow and Musiqtone.
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