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Friday, March 28th
Musiqtone Interview: Lydia Gray
Lydia Gray
Lydia Gray

An 'Uncensored' interview with Musiqtone
Lydia Gray
Special to Musiqtone

At Musiqtone, finding hidden gems in music is our business. But in North Carolina singer-songwriter Lydia Gray, she's more than a hidden gem we found in the depths of Myspace Music (probably the last place most of our own peers would go to find potential talent). She definitely has what we in the music industry call 'it.' We don't know what 'it' is, but we know that 'it' can bring even the most wildest dreams come true. In today's music industry, which still eschews image over talent, especially for women, Lydia combines immense talent with the image, a seeming rarity in today's music landscape, which is devoid of eye candy backed up by low-rate talent. Of course, its the eye candy part that sells records, but we think that someday, Lydia can break what is a horrible trend in music today. Her songs are fresh and honest, and full of emotion, another rarity in today's formulaic pop/rock world. Do we think she can climb up to the rarefied atmosphere that people like Sheryl Crow, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, and Alanis Morrisette sit in? Time will tell, but we won't hesitate to say yes.

So with that, here's our exclusive one-on-one, completely uncensored ;-), with July's You Gotta Know, Lydia Gray.

The Interview: Alan Ho: Thanks for taking the time for the interview. Tell our readers and viewers here about yourself a little bit.

Lydia Gray: I am an 18 year old, singer/songwriter. From North Carolina. ( Home of Dawsons Creek and One Tree Hill).My favorite things to do are sing, write, play guitar, be in the recording studio, be on a runway, photo shoots, flying, traveling, going outside of my comfort zone, going to Wrightsville beach, and star gazing.

AH: You seem to have been making and playing music for a long time, what got you interested in music and performing?

LG: Ever since I was three I wanted to be a singer for a living. I am passionate about it- I think everyone should have a passion and follow it. I didn’t know I could write though until, about three years ago when I was going through some personal struggles and had no one to talk to. Thus, I started writing and writing and writing…

AH: We ask everyone this question, it’s something that is important to not just your fans reading this, but those who just started to listen to your music…what is you philosophy on your music?

LG: I think a lot of people stifle emotions and feelings, not that you should base who you are on what you feel, but I think we shouldn’t be afraid to feel. A lot of people try to feel these days by drinking, drugs, and sex… There are other ways to be comfortable with who you are and to embrace life. Life is definitely not by any stretch of the imagination easy, we are all just trying…
Real Networks
AH: If you had to classify your music, where would you put it under?

LG: Probably rock/pop.

AH: Who are the biggest influences in your music? Your career?

LG: Oh man, that’s tough. There is such a wide range of artist who have impacted me. I love Keane, Dido, Matchbox 20, Howie day, John Mayer, Joni Mitchell, Maroon5, Straylight Run- They have all in some way affected my writing. Their lyrics go deeper than the surface and make you think.

AH: Being a songwriter, what kind of things inspire you or get you to write a song?
LG: Heartache, Pain, Suffering, Love, Loss. Change, seeing people I love hurt.

AH: Being associated with a rising music star like Curtis Peoples, has he given any pointers on how to make it in the music industry?

LG: I think the biggest encouragement Curtis has been to me is seeing how grounded he has stayed. He also has gone out and made it happen for himself- his drive is insane and a beautiful thing to watch. There are hardly any people left as rare, real and kind as Curtis. He just always encourages me to stay Lydia.

AH: This question is for those who have just picked up your music: How have people responded to your music?

LG: I had recorded about two years ago some songs I had written- just for myself. I was so nervous about sharing my “own” songs. Once I did it was crazy the response I stared to get. People were emailing asking how to buy my cd, where to see me in concert and requesting radio plays and interviews. I have been so fortunate thus far- I hope everyone keeps enjoying my music in the future! ( Look for an EP release on September 8th, 2005.)

AH: How was it like to get your songs on the radio?

LG: It was strange I must say. Hearing yourself… its like WOAH… Why me? It is probably one of the neatest things I have experienced.

AH: Why is music important to you?

LG: Not only do I love to sing, but I love to write. It makes me feel alive and the fact that it encourages people in their everyday life makes it even more worth it.

AH: What are your goals, both in the short and long-term? Where do you see yourself 5, 10 years from now?

LG: Short term? Ah well that would be to play as many shows as possible, get myself heard as much as I can, get on as many radio stations as possible and eventually get signed to a record label. 5, 10 years from now? I hope to be touring the country, with a couple albums under my belt.
The Burn:

This is where I put the person I'm interviewing on the hot seat... What you would be doing if it weren’t for music

Mad burn. I believe that would be modeling, or acting or laying on the beach in SoCal, or enjoying myself in Greece.

What’s spinning in your music player right now?

The Perishers

Music no one expects you to listen to

Citizen Cope

Big record label or small record label?

Depends on the label.

The ultimate venue to perform in

Either in Madison Square Garden, or somewhere overseas- like London or Italy.

Which act or acts would you most like to share the stage with?

Ah, Kelly Clarkson would be awesome. She is so talented. Or Jessica Simpson- who has such a beautiful voice- and she cracks me up.

Any non-musical talents?

Modeling, Acting, Dancing, Photography,Tennis.

Your most embarrassing moment on stage

Oh goodness, too many to count. Most recently the venue forgot a microphone- I had to perform a 6 song set without a mic. EEEEEK!

Michelle Branch, Jewel, Sheryl Crow, Dido, Avril Lavigne, or Kelly Clarkson? You gotta pick one of them…;-)

Hm, Kelly Clarkson- Because I can sing at the top of my lungs with her.

Pick one: Music or modeling?

Walking down a runway while singing with a mic in my hand.

Favorite foods?

Pickles, all my friends make fun of me for that- apparently its disgusting.

Favorite color


Alan Ho-Alan Ho is the founder and chief head of Musiqtone...and also the guy who writes incoherent articles whenever he wants to...oh yeah and the interview thing too. You can reach the big man at Musiqtone at alanho@musiqtone.com.

(C) 2005 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of Lydia Gray and Musiqtone.