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Friday, March 28th
Michelle Ruben
Michelle Ruben
Michelle Ruben

An exclusive interview with Musiqtone
Michelle Ruben
The Interview

Emily Harbaugh: Was music something you’ve always wanted to do and what was your first memory performing?
Michelle Ruben: I definitely knew at an early age that I wanted to be a performer- I just wasn’t sure what kind. I became serious about singing in my teens. My early memories are mostly of school choir performances.

EH: Who are the influences in your music and in your own career?
MR: My strongest career influences have to be my parents. They both taught me that perseverance pays off and that shortcuts don’t work! Musically it would have to be anyone that doesn’t settle- I think that we all have to make our own path.

EH: What is your philosophy on music?
MR: That is should be positive and that it should move people to think in ways that they might not otherwise.

EH: Why is music important to you?
MR: It allows me to communicate in a way that talking sometimes can’t.

EH: What are your goals, short and in the long-term?
MR: Short term I would like to record another CD and long term I hope to be singing as a full time career.
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The Burn:

What would you be doing if it wasn't for music?

I don’t even like to think about it! I would probably be involved in some aspect of the ministry or in academia as I am also a grad student.

What are you listening to in your CD player right now?

Seal, Todd Agnew, Nickelback, Nichole Nordeman

The things you can’t live without as a musician?

My voice and my pitch pipe (for when I have to sing the National Anthem Acapella)

Which venue would you love to perform in?

I would love to do a concert in Central Park. I would love to perform in any venue in New York City.

Music none of your friends (or fans) expect you to listen to?


What/where is the ultimate venue to tour in?

Almost anywhere that will have me!

Who are some musicians that you would love to perform with?

Nichole Nordeman, Jennifer Knapp, Jars of Clay, Seal

Any non-musical talents you carry?

Being a grad student, you become an expert in writing very long papers.

What's your favorite food?


On stage, what was one of your most embarrassing moments?

Starting to sing one song while my guitar player started to play another one

What are some of your guilty pleasures?

Romance novels and fashion magazines

How does your family support you? or what do they think?

My family supports me 100% and backs me in everything I do. I could not do anything without my family.

Emily Harbaugh-Interview done by Emily Harbaugh. She does music reviews for the really rad Adam Aguirre. You can reach her at emilyharbaugh@musiqtone.com

(C) 2005 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of Michelle Ruben and Musiqtone.