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Friday, March 28th
Interview: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
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Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

An exclusive interview with Musiqtone
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Since July 18th Red Jumpsuit Apparatus fans haven't gone a day without listening to their debut CD, "Don't You Fake It". The guys from Jacksonville, Florida believe that their album is "everything we would want to hear on one album, if it were the last album on earth" and I don't think anyone could disagree! With a unique blend of every type of music imaginable, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus appeals to all music lovers.

Here is Erica's interview with the band.

Answers in red by Ronnie Winter, blue by Elias Reidy

Erica Hahn:  How did the band form?

Ronnie Winter:  The band unofficially started in 2002-03 on my couch in my trailer with acoustic guitars.

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is an awesome name; how did the band go about choosing it?

The name was a joke from the start, and it just stuck.

Was music something that you have always wanted to pursue?

Definitely, it is the only thing I’ve ever cared about.

We ask everyone this: What’s your philosophy on music?

Take your time, it will come.

Who are some of your major influences in your music?

For me, it’s Pink Floyd, Boston, Led Zep to name a few.

From the songs I’ve heard you guys are a mix of practically every genre I can think of, how would you describe your sound to someone that’s never heard of you?

Our sound is simple, it’s everything we would want to hear on one album, if it were the last album on earth.

What are your future goals for the band?

World domination, I suppose.

What’s your favorite city to play in?

Of course, Jacksonville, Florida, our hometown is the best.

Do you have any rituals you do before a show?

I usually smoke as many cigs as I can while warming up.

Have you had any crazy fan moments?

Yeah, I’ve been hit with a few interesting items by fans onstage, from underwear to teddy bears, it’s always pretty funny.

If you could pick one band to tour with, who would it be?

Although it seems impossible, we would love to tour with Boston.

So you guys are currently on the Vans Warped Tour, who do you look up to most on the tour?

We just finished the Warped Tour and really enjoyed watching Underoath and Aiden.

The Burn:

What’s on your ipod playlist?

Sublime, Circa Survive, Underoath, Thrice, Jimmi Hendrix.

Music none of your friends or fans would expect you to listen to?

Between The Buried And Me, N.W.A. and Elton John.

Most embarrassing moment on stage?

I fell off the stage the other day in Cleveland at the Warped Tour.  I never really get too embarrassed, but it was funny as shit!

What’s something you can’t live without?

Joey! {Westwood, RJA’s bass player}

Did you guys go to your high school dances? Prom?

Of course… band dudes booty dance too.

Any hidden talents?

Yeah, definitely. We’re pretty much superheroes and we are really cool.

What time do you guys usually wake up?

It pretty much always varies from day to day. On Warped Tour, we had to roadie all of our gear in at 10 or 11 every morning. On regular venue tours, we wake up at whenever checkout from the hotel is. But usually we try to sleep as much during the day as possible seeing as how we always keep each other up with bedtime stories.

What’s your favorite type of gum?

Orbit is pretty rad.

Any last words for your fans?

Yes, Thank You so much to all of you that have come out to the 2006 Warped Tour to catch us live and to those who have picked up our new CD. We love you and we’ll see you soon!

Erica HahnErica Hahn is the chief head of indie music at Musiqtone and like Elias, she also thinks Orbit is very rad too.  You can contact her at

(C) 2006 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Musiqtone.
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