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Friday, January 17th
The Hot Sweat
Dave Pittenger
Dave Pittenger

An exclusive interview with Musiqtone

Dave Pittenger is the your next favorite artist coming out of the New Jersey music scene. His music is a mix of acoustic with some traditional rock. You never know what to expect when listening to Dave especially from of his live shows. His most recent album, Simple Things, was released this past summer of 2007 and he is currently playing many shows throughout the east coast.  Recently I was able to sit down with Dave, over a cup of coffee, and ask him a few questions.

Amanda:  Can you tell our readers about yourself and your sound?
Dave:  Well there’s no set band. On the album there were three different drummers and four different bass players. Sometimes I play solo and sometimes I play as a trio or quartet. It’s different each show.

What made you want to become a musician?
Well I’ve always liked music. I started playing saxophone when I was 9 and I used to make recordings in my bedroom. I would take a tape recorder and I would play sax then play it while using another recorder with and play a keyboard, or something, and try to mix the two together. I kind of grew up with music.

What influences your music?
Life situations. A lot of things that I write about I have actually gone through, are hypothetical, or I know somebody who has went through them. Or, I’ll see a movie that makes me think about someone’s situation and write about that. As far as other artists; Tori Amos, Stevie Wonder, Lyle Lovett, Ben Folds, Sigur Ros, it’s a wide and eclectic range.

Do you have any upcoming plans?
We’ll be doing a lot of touring during the summer. I just did a big tour throughout the winter so that was fun. I will probably begin working on a new album in the fall.

What music are you listening to now?
I’m starting to really get into Bob Dylan and of course The Beatles.

Who would you love to record a song with?
If I could record with anyone it would definitely be Paul McCartney.

What is your favorite venue to play?
Probably The Bitter End In New York

Any reason why?
I just like it. It’s a famous club everyone has played at. It has a cool vibe. It’s right on Bleecker Street.

Your latest album, Simple Things, was released last summer, how do you think it was received?
So far so good. It’s an independent record so it doesn’t really have radio play. But it has been getting a good response, it’s been selling well and people are coming to the shows after they hear it.

Why did you entitle it Simple Things?
Well it’s the title of the fourth track on the album. But all the songs are about simple topics in life, whether it’s struggling to stay focused, things you’ve done in the past, or relationships, its all just simple parts of life.

What was your first show like?
My first show was a train wreck. We played at this club in Philly called Abilene on South Street and we were really well rehearsed and it was packed. Everybody on stage was physically stiff and musically stiff and we made all kinds of mistakes. It was horrible despite all our preparations.

How long ago was that?
Just a few years ago.

How do you feel your music has evolved from your first album, Photographs to Nowhere, to now?
It has gotten more mature and simpler harmonically. The complicated parts have become more subtle so it’s more appealing to the average listener. I think it’s come from what I listen to musically.

What’s your favorite song to play?
Well some I like more than others, but it just changes like the wind. It really depends on what kind of mood I’m in.

What has been the best thing to happen to you during your career?
It’s not just one event. When people write and ask you when you are coming back to their town, that’s pretty cool. You know they want you to come back to hang out and play music more.

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Michelle MitchellAmanda Agueda is a staff writer at Musiqtone. You can reach her at amandaagueda@musiqtone.com

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