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Saturday, February 22nd
The Hot Sweat
Four Year Strong
Hana Pestle
Tony Lucca a singer/songwriter originally from Michigan. Tony has had the opportunity to work with names such as Jason Mraz, Josh Kelley and others. His music has a Folk/Motown combination, suitable for many listeners. His album "Come Around Again" can be found on iTunes and features eleven songs. Here's my interview with Tony Lucca.

Spencer:Can you introduce yourself?

Tony Lucca:I am Tony Lucca, I'm an LA based singer songwriter.

Spencer:How long have you been singing for?

TL:I've been singing my whole life. I just turned thirty-three this year, I've been singing about that long. Maybe thirty-two years, thirty-one years now.


Spencer:How old were you when you decided that you wanted to become a musician?

TL:I was really young when I realized I wanted to play guitar, play air guitar, jump around, pretend to be a rock star. But it wasn't till when i was about eight or nine when I realized I would rather learn how to play guitar then learn how to play Atrari, or Nintendo. So I started really taking steps to be good at it. I started playing piano and drums and then it just stayed with me into high school and into adult-hood. When I was twenty-four was when I realized I was going to seriously seek out a career as a recording as a musician. As a singer/songwriter.

Spencer:Whats it been like working with artist such as Jason Mraz and Josh Kelley and all the others?

TL:It's been cool, it's fun being a part of a family of musicians that are all peers in one regard where we all kind of have the same kind of roots and background and just sort of one by one everyone gets their chance. They breakthrough and gets a little fame, a bit more attention and exposure. That tends to pave the road for other artists to follow behind. So I've met a lot of really great people in that regard. Josh Kelley obviously a great guy. Jason Mraz, we've shared the stage a couple times. And you know, everyone seems to have a genuine, mutual admiration for one another.

Spener:If there was one artist you could pick right now to work with, who would you pick?
TL:I got to have Joss Stone sit in with me about a year ago, and that was really cool. I wanna tour with her, at a more formal capacity in a sense. Be really big, really great, direct. But, yeah, I've always wanted to work with Sting, I think that'd be really cool. And, I'm a big fan of Bonnie Raitt too I think that'd be a tremendous honor to work with her.

Spencer:Was moving from Michigan to LA a big transition?

TL:It wasn't as a major transition because I had spent four years working in Florida and being exposed to a more metropolitan scene. A more industry oriented environment. Working on a tv show, and working with a lot of people from LA and New York. I was getting a little more, a more worldly perspective on things, so by the time I got out to LA, I wasn't so naive. I mean I was still pretty naive, because I was still young. I didn't feel like I was out of my league at all.

Spencer:How many instruments can you play?

TL:Not too many. I can play guitar, bass, piano, and a little bit of drums. That's really about it. I can kinda play a mean recorder.*laughs* But, other then that, yeah I really haven't tried to tackle anything. Simply because I can't read music, I just play by ear so if I were to learn something else it would probably entail picking it up by ear as well. I've always wanted to learn how to play the sax. But I imagine that would entail learning a bit more about music theory and legitimately learning to read music.

Spencer:Which one is your favorite to play?

TL:I have the most fun playing the bass. It's really fun and especially because I'm still learning the bass and every time I pick a bass I learn something new and thats fun. But also, I think I have my strongest love is with the piano. When I sit down to the piano and play it's really like you just kind of pour your heart and your soul right down into that instrument. And it's really a wonderful feeling connecting to a nice piano. And guitar, that was my first instrument, and I've always, and I'll always love to play guitar. I guess basically bass is most fun, piano is most passionate and guitar is most reliable.

Spencer:Do you have a favorite part about being on tour?

TL:Yeah, I like traveling. I like seeing different cities and different people, playing for fresh ears every night. Really getting to dive into my songs as though it was the first time that anyone was hearing it. It really keeps it fresh for me and really allows me to stay connected to my music longer. Just knowing that theres more people out there listening.

Spencer:Is there like one venue throughout the whole world, or place that you could play, where would you like to play?

TL:I would like to go to Europe and travel around and maybe open for someone who has a substantial following over there. I think I can really connect to a European audience. As I understand it there a little bit more accepting of music and in that everything doesn't have to be so defined for genre basically. If it's a little folky thats fine, if it's a little soulful that's fine, if it's a little pop that's okay. They're a little less critical about it. I think that would be a really good place to have some fun. I just got back from Montreal, and it was my second time playing up in Montreal and I absolutely love playing there. Again simply because they have more of that European sensibility they really get into music and they can really appreciate it and once they are on board they're devoted. I mean they really get behind it.

Spencer:If you had to describe your music to someone who had never heard it before how would you describe it?

TL:I would say that I am, I call my music soulful. It's sort of a cross between- I've often told people I'm the lovechild of Joni Mitchell and Bill Withers.*laughs*A little bit of singer/songwriter, folk element, mixed with a very soulful motownish Bill Withers, Stevie Wonders kinda thing as well.

Spencer:Do you have a philosophy on music?

TL:No, not really. Other then I believe that music isn't nescassrily recordings or records or songs we hear on the radio as much as it is a language and something that happens. It's like when you go to a show it's different each time because there interaction there. There's a communion between the audience and the listener and they sort of get to make the music together each night. So I think that music isn't something that gets played, it's more so something that gets played. So that'd be it as far as philosophy.

Spencer:Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans and Musiqtone?

TL:Thanks for taking the time to listen, and to read, or whatever it is.
Where and whenever someone would see my name for coming in and looking a little closer. I'm very appreciative of that. So yeah, thanks for checking it out.

Rachel DodsonSpencer Abbott is an asst. regional head in the Midwest region at Musiqtone. You can reach her at spencerabbott@musiqtone.com.

(C) 2009 Musiqtone. All Rights Reserved. Any part of this interview cannot be used without written express consent from both the representatives of Tony Lucca and Musiqtone.
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